Raw Materials

    Raw Materials


    Example: 1. Glutathione, Reduced, Free Acid - CAS 70-18-8 - Food Grade or Cosmetic Grade (please indicate). If you have multiple ingredients, list them with numbers.
    Example: 1. Glutathione Reduced Powder or Glutathione Free Form.
    Example: 8 Manufacturing Corp | Sta Rosa Laguna | LTO No. 1234567 (If you do not have an LTO, please put "Not Applicable."
    Example: 1. Glutathione Free Form - 500 kilos 2. Collagen - 300 kilos 3. Probiotics - 500 kilos
    Example: I would like you to create a food supplement for my client. My client wants the highest quality, which is 99%.
    Example: I am a manufacturer.
    Example: I want pre-mixed raw materials.
    Example: Facebook, Google, Referred by a friend, or Others


    Please provide any additional comments or specifications here.